Month: June 2017

Reflections on the Reimagining FE Conference 2017

Reimagining FE Blog by Dr.Janet Lord, Manchester Metropolitan University. June 2017 Janet is a lecturer in education at Manchester Metropolitan University. She moved into teacher education and HE after many years teaching in schools and colleges. Her research concerns pedagogy, the student experience, and teacher development and identity. There is a fabulous UCU/Edge Hill University/Birmingham…

Reimagining FE Conference: transformative learning

On Wednesday 21st June, the second annual Reimagining FE Conference took place.  This year’s theme was transformative learning and delegates watched an introductory video by Sally Hunt, General Secretary of the University and College Union, sponsors of the conference. You can watch Sally’s video below  

Sharing transformational approaches to teaching and learning

Practitioner booklet: sharing transformational approaches to teaching and learningBased on the research conversations we have had so far across a wide range of further education settings with learners, teachers, managers and others, we have put together a booklet that provides an overview of transformativeteaching and learning and the approaches and conditions that make it possible.…