Dr Vicky Duckworth


Most recently she co-explored the gradual evolution of adult literacy policy in the UK from the 70s to the current decade; drawing on philosophical, sociological and economic frames of reference from local, national and International perspectives, and the application of empirical data the research argues that the value positions of instrumentalism, driven by the now dominant human capital philosophy has gradually taken control of adult literacy policy and its attendant practice. An alternative curriculum is offered; a transformative model that presents a more socially just different value position (Ade-Ojo and Duckworth 2015). She has advised on policy and is a member of a number of National and International networks, which includes her role as trustee of the Helena Kennedy Foundation (http://www.hkf.org.uk/(http://www.unaglobal.org/) and membership of the board for the Association for Research in Post-Compulsory Education (http://arpce.org.uk/about/)

Throughout her career Vicky has published widely which consists of authoring and editing books, most recently this includes: Learning Trajectories, Violence and Empowerment amongst Adult Basic Skills Learners (Routledge, 2013); Landscapes of Specific Literacies in Contemporary Society: Exploring a social model of literacy (Routledge 2014); Adult Literacy Policy and Practice: From Intrinsic Values to Instrumentalism (Palgrave 2015).