Despite the often horrendous journeys that some of our students make to reach the UK and Scotland in particular. I am really amazed at their commitment to learn English as a second language and their desire to get an education. Over the years, many men and women who have arrived at Glasgow Kelvin College beginning their educational journey. Firstly by participating in ESOL classes. Furthermore, there is also a steady flow of students moving from ESOL onto NC Health and Social Care and subsequently onto the HNC Social Care. Many students have transformed their life’s by gaining employment of moving onto university. I believe that from the feedback provided that an essential part of their development has been their work placements, which has allowed students from various parts of the world, to understand the Theories and Policies endemic to social care in Scotland and relate it to their placement’s client group and working guidelines .Moreover, as students progress to University, they acknowledge the support and friendliness of the students and staff at the college and without the welcoming aspect of the college they would not have transformed their lives. Importantly students sometimes forget the impact their life journey and their desire to participate in further education has had on their Tutors. There is nothing more rewarding than battling your way through roadwork’s and traffic jams to be greeted by students with a desire to change their life’s through education and that you as a teacher are the mechanism of transformation.