Lucinda talks about her important work in Offender Learning. As a tutor she sees people progress from different starting points, some of which are the first steps. Some of her students then go on to make dramatic progress. Her work also focuses strongly on helping students develop life skills so they can take care of…
Month: November 2016
Nicola – Assistant Principal
Vice Principal Nicola studied for her degree as an adult with small children. That experience helped her to appreciate the importance of understanding the different backgrounds and needs that FE students have. This knowledge and understanding also makes her want the best teaching and learning experiences for the students in her college. Transformational learning inspires…
Business Studies Lecturer Susan Edwards shares her enthusiasm for teaching in Further Education
Full Circle
FE has been hugely influential in my adult life.
Gary Husband shares his story FE has been hugely influential in my adult life. On leaving school I didn’t consider ‘tech’ as an option, my parents had aspirations of me attending university. I went for several interviews for various degree courses and received several offers. When my A level results arrived, not only did they…
Kim: Adam’s mum
Kim is Adam’s mum. Adam started attending his local FE college on an ‘Achieving Together’ course at the age of 15. Kim talks about her anxiety having to constantly field phone calls from school and the change in Adam’s personality once he started at college. Now, Adam has started taking on new responsibilities and is…
Alena: Newly qualified podiatrist
Originally from Ukraine, Alena talks about returning to education as a mature student. Alena’s journey meant facing up to the challenge of learning in a fourth language and starting a new life in this country. Alena’s story shows us how FE can offer opportunities to develop new knowledge and new identities. Her story is a testament…