This research aims to continue to develop understanding and to provide evidence of how the Further Education (FE) sector is vital in transforming lives and communities in 21st Century Britain. This second phase of the study adds robust evidence collated in stage one of the research and in doing so continues to provide learners and teachers with the opportunity to tell their stories, linking the distinctness of FE to the impact it has on individuals, society and the economy, and strongly drawing out the role of the teacher in making a difference to quality teaching and learning.
The survey link at the bottom of this page, part of Phase Two of the Transforming Lives project, aims to collect more data on the inclusive and excellent teaching that we know goes on across our college. As a teacher working in this college, your work is vital in supporting diverse learners to aspire and reach their potential.
The project’s ongoing drive is to validate this vital work of FE and to foreground the voices of learners and teachers in further education providers. From this they want to construct a picture of the extent to which transformative teaching and learning is taking place in colleges across the country.
All responses to the survey will be anonymous and confidential although respondents will be able to contact the research team to arrange a brief telephone interview if this is something they would like to do. We would really appreciate your input and value your time.