Resources of Hope

Share your resources and your thoughts!

Dear students, teachers, educationalists, researchers and the local and wider community,


We hope you are keeping well and safe in what is a unprecedented time.

We are aware that many will be self-isolating and with the current lock-down, home will be your haven.

In these times when a lot of teaching is shifting online, we would like to continue to share resources of hope and ask you to do the same.

The link to share your resources,  any ideas you want to share and any readings or images etc is:

Share your story


We will be providing regular posts and asking the recently recruited UCU Transforming Teaching and Learning Scholars to share their research interests.


The first resource is a link to the Transforming Lives teacher booklet:

Sharing transformational approaches to teaching and learning

Stay safe and in touch


All the best


Vicky and Rob