Category: Stories


Dean arrived at college with few formal qualifications but with years of experience of labouring on building sites. He was new to technology, found it daunting to use a computer and used a pen and paper for written tasks; but he could put his hand to many jobs in the building trade.


16-year-old Adam found it hard to control his anger in school and felt he was making no progress. He likes the calm environment in college. Now, he is gaining qualifications, becoming more confident and has a clearer view of what he wants to do in future. Now, he has hope and self-belief.

I didn’t know that I was meant to be a teacher.

Julie Hughes, teacher educator & head of Post Compulsory Education Department at the University of Wolverhampton: I didn’t know that I was meant to be a teacher. But the wonderful FE teacher who interviewed me for a place on a childcare course saw something in me that I couldn’t see myself. I was a mature…