How FE has transformed the life of Adam Rosenberg

Adam is 26yrs old and started at The Manchester College in 2013, he has kindly sent me this to share.

I was born and lived in Spain before coming to the UK and starting my journey through FE and into HE. My original expectations were quite low, as I was extremely nervous, never having been educated in England before, but the tutors helped me get settled fast. What I loved most was the confidence and belief the tutors had in me which raised my confidence level and I feel they brought the best out of me. When I first started I had no idea what direction I wanted to go into, but by the end of my course in creative media, I was able to make a decision. With the help and support of my tutors, I was able to join the HE course The Manchester College was offering in 3D modelling and animation for games. It was here where I discovered my true passion for 3D. Within 4 years I had achieved a BTEC, FDA and my BA achieving a 2.1 and achieving a job in the industry before I even finished my degree has been has been the icing on the cake and proof that hard work does pay off. What fascinated me the most was it was the combination of my tutors in FE and HE that made me the person I am today, and for that I will forever be grateful. The tutors who I believe helped me achieve where I am today are Vanessa Lees, Alexia Grantham, Harry Stafford, Lee Jackson, Alex Jackson, Collin Ralph and Geo Norris. Without their help, guidance and confidence in me I don’t know where I’d be.