Start of the Future


College, Further Education, for many people it’s just another step in the ladder of education yet for some it can be the stepping stone to unlocking a great future.
I myself started college with an idea of what I wanted to do in the future, I knew I wanted to base myself within the world of Film and Media, some may have no idea what they want to do and that is absolutely fine as that is to be expected and the amount of help and support offered nowadays is amazing. College allowed me to be more independent and creative and for someone like myself this is a notion I enjoyed yet also feared as I was very critical of my own work and if it wasn’t for the collective support of tutors Glenn Meads and Tom Roberts, I probably wouldn’t be where I am today; a University student pursuing his dream. It goes to show how much of an impact College can have, the friends you make can be friends for life and the work you do does amount to something great.

There is a pressure these days on students to get amazing results at A – Level/BTEC and I felt that pressure, especially around my exam season as for me everything seemed to go as wrong as it could do, Predicted high grades were not met leading me to a disappointing results day, I didn’t understand why or how I had not met my target grades but I can honestly say, results are not everything – no matter what the envelope on results day says you take those grades and make the most of them. I myself had to wait a whole year before gaining a place on my chosen course but now it’s here and I’m excited for a whole new chapter in my life. Without college and the support of those around me, this would not have been possible so to the tutors and friends I made there I thank them.