World Teachers’ Day – Thursday 5th October 2017

World Teachers' Day

Teachers transform lives.

On world teachers’ day, it is important for us to recognise and celebrate the transformative work of Further Education teachers.  Teachers who support  adults and young people to thrive, gain confidence and rediscover their agency as learners, they are a bridge to the community they serve. Their work is absolutely  vital  in an increasingly complex and fast-changing world.  It is relevant to employment but it is also a pathway to personal development and fulfilment. The impact has (often uncosted) benefits for families, communities and society.

We recognise and celebrate the vital work that teachers do: their energy, commitment & enthusiasm breathes life into the UCU FE Transforming Lives website.


Claire: Claire is a Psychology teacher and learning and teaching lead and coach in a further education college. In her video Claire speaks about how she sees transformative learning as an integral aspect of her pedagogical approach and the potential gains to be had from connecting and underpinning research evidence to classroom practice.

Watch her video here

Jez: Jez is passionate about teaching level 1 and Level 2 Business students. Jez’s pedagogy is anchored in the respect he shows to students and in his video we gain insights into the learning environment he establishes in the classroom. Importantly, Jez reverses the low expectations that many of his students bring with them from their prior educational experiences. What a teacher!

Watch Jez’s video here.

Jo: Jo teaches on an Access to HE course. In the video linked below, she and Rima, a student who has followed a pathway on to studying Psychology at University, speak about Rima’s experience of returning to study as an adult ESOL student.

Watch Jo and Rima talking here.