Category: Stories


In this video, Jacqui speaks about how she left school labelled as ‘not bright’, then, following re-engagement in education at her local college her world opened up in so many empowering  ways. Her return to education was connected to a hope for more fulfilling work and a need to support her family. She outlines how…

Have a Merry and a Hopeful Xmas!

We have had an inspiring year, listening to the voices of teachers and learners. Carrying out research in different colleges and other further education providers  has offered rich insights into the amazing work of teachers, learners and others involved in further education. The stories recorded and shared on this site (and some we haven’t) have…

The Principal

Scroll down for video Curtis Tappenden is a teacher who has featured already on this site. Apart from being an inspirational teacher, he was involved in the Reimagining Further Education Conference in July 2017. He has been involved in the UCU FE transforming lives and communities from early on. Curtis takes up the story: Networking…


Rithenella’s inspirational storyFurther education offers spaces for learning that accommodate people from a diverse range of backgrounds. This includes adults returning to education to move their lives and prospects forward.   In this video, Rithenella, now studying Social Work at University,  talks about the challenges she faced as a looked-after child and how she returned…


Anita: Now I have my confidence. I have my voice and I have my future.  Anita speaks about how her life changed for the better after returning to education as a mature student. Labelled as a ‘no-hoper’ at school because  her dyslexia was positioned as a deficit – in the private domain her personal  growth…

Marie: education and empowerment

Marie: the importance of educationMarie, a single mother of three  arrived in Further Education after breaking out of an abusive relationship. Marie struggled with literacy and her confidence was at rock bottom. Gaining a level 2 in literacy, Marie progressed to an access course and University. Now a senior staff nurse in the local hospital,…


David: literacy, fatherhood and empowermentIn this video, David talks about the importance of literacy for him as a person and a father. He talks about his family background and going to work as a boy which limited his engagement with school. Further education has changed the way he interacts with the outside world. David talks…


Jade: motherhood, literacy and empowermentJade is a mother who attends adult literacy classes run jointly by a local Further Education provider and a local charitable trust in Rochdale. Being a mum motivates her and she has seen her confidence increase while studying and has learnt new literacies. Now, she has aspirations for her future and…

Reimagining FE Conference 2017: keynote presentations

Professor Lyn Tett Lyn is Professor Emerita at the University of Edinburgh and Professor of Community Education at the University of Huddersfield. A key area of focus in her research is the factors that encourage or prevent access to higher education for educationally disadvantaged adults – with a particular focus on class and gender.  Lyn’s…